Just Breathe - Mixed Media Mandala Tutorial

Mixed Media Tutorial - Art Journal

Step 1. Start your page by applying Black Texture paste through your favourite mandala stencils .
 Use a palette knife, dry.

Step 2. Apply a glaze over page, paint on lightly and wipe off with soft cloth.
 I have used Deco Art Vintage Effects.
 When this is dry, add a white glaze, wipe back as much or little as you prefer.

Step 3, Using different sized bottle lids, dip into black paint and stamp circle impressions over your work, repeat this later with white paint.
Use a background script stamp with archival black ink and stamp image randomly into background.

Step 4. Use an wooden carved block stamp to add extra patterns to the background.
 I have used Deco Art Metallic paint.
 Add gold shading to page using gold wax, {any brand}, I have applied mine with my finger. 
You can highlight different aspects of your design or just the page edges.

Step 5. Stencil your chosen words onto page with paint. Add your embellishments. I have used some printed lazer copies of butterflies, cut them out and used Modge Podge to apply to page. You may like to add colour to your butterfly wings.
Page Finished!

This is the same technique but on a canvas. Love these processes, Hope you enjoy your own experimentation!
