Workshop Wednesday Tutorial- Mixed Media on Heart Shaped box

Ballerina Box

Start by choosing your Cardboard or Paper Mache box to work on.
 Take a piece of lace big enough to cover your box lid and scrape Texture Paste using a palette knife through the lace,  lift lace carefully, decide where your image transfer is going the smooth that area of texture down with your knife and leave to dry.
Choose a laser copy of an image you want to use. I chose a vintage ballerina from Graphics Fairy. Cut around the image and apply Deco-Page Medium# ( Deco Art product) to the surface and to your inked image, apply to box and leave to dry for a few hours.
Use a water spryer to dampen image and begin to rub the backing paper to reveal your transferred image, be gentle with your rubbing to avoid tears.
Paint in your roses around your image using a 1/2" Angle brush, same brush to paint in leaves, Hightlight leaves with Titanium White, add shadow of pink on some,Raw Umber on others, paint in thin ribbons amongst the roses with a liner brush to finish.
To finish project I have added a word transfer  from Kaisercraft# next to the ballerina.
I Hope you enjoyed the steps of transformation to this box. Nothing needs to be plain or boring when you have paint and a little imagination.
Allow painting to beautify your home and your soul x


  1. These are absolutely beautiful! How kind of you to share your creativity, it looks like a lot of work but since I am nowhere near North Tambourine I may have to try to tackle this project this winter. Thank you!


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