Goodbye 2019....

Goodbye Kisses Last Art Journal Project for 2019 Use a large piece of slightly damp car sponge for this background, have a palette of Dark Blue/Navy, Titanium White, Dark Violet/ Dark Pink Sponge darker colours onto your journal first, blending as you go, add the white sponged highlights last. Pencil in your horizon line, then using a filbert brush paint in your moonlit water, using cool blues of your choice, add navy or (Paynes Grey) shadow strokes and Titanium White highlight strokes. Use a circle stencil for the moon, lightly sponge it in with white Gesso. Use a damp fan brush dipped in Titanium white and speckle the sky, then use a damp toothbrush dipped in the white and flicked for finer speckles. Choose a silhouette design, print it out then cut around the shape, lay paper shape on journal, trace around it with pencil. Use a small paintbush loaded with Black acrylic paint and fill in shape. Along the horizon line pain...